WhatsTool Business | Bring your business growth from WhatsApp Business API

WhatsApp API solution for Online
course providers


Trusted by 2500+ global brands and leaders of unicorns

Save time and manual effort
using Automation
  • With Setup Automatic replies you can save time and manual effort on repeated enquiries
  • Automated messages for FAQs – Set up predefined replies for frequently asked questions
  • Qualify quality leads from lot of enquiries, requests with the whatsApp Chatbot feature
Send Broadcast Messages and
Notification to selected Audience
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  • Instant Notifications – WhatsApp notifies students about lectures, tests, assignments, etc.
  • Improve course completion rate with timely, personalised notification on Student progress and gamified messages
  • Send webinar reminder on WhatsApp
  • Retarget old leads or paid users – With our segmentation and retargeting feature
Recover the rate of
Abandoned Carts
  • 1000 of online course providers recovered their Abandoned Carts and got 50000+ admission using WhatsTool Business
Provide customer support
and collect feedback online
  • Provide 24/7 Chat Support – With Whatsapp automatic chatbot, and agent support
  • Take course feedback on WhatsApp automatically
Use Team Chat to solve queries by
assigning people for that particular task
Communicate better to support high quality
Online course with WhatsApp
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We will help you do the integration with any CRM, payment, connector, Lead Gen apps . Learn more :
  1. CRM apps: Integrate with your CRM to send leads or WhatsApp messages
  2. Payment Apps:Send payment links in a click to your customers from our dashboard
  3. Lead Generation Apps:Send personalised WhatsApp message on Facebook Ads leads form.
  4. Logistics:Connect with apps such as Shiprocket to provide delivery related updates.
  5. Connectors:Connect any type of use-cases or apps with connectors such as Pabbly and Zappier.

Chatbot setup is a process of creating automation flow using our no code drag and drop flow builder. Based on the chatbot requirement and its complexity the pricing of the chatbot will be cost.
  • Basic flow : It only requires connecting 5-10 elements and adding some conditions
  • Advance flow : A chatbot flow which will require api integration.

The verified green badge or tick is a tool to help people find the real accounts of brands and businesses using WhatsApp. Our team will help throughout the green tick verification process from submitting the right documents and verifying your business.

As facebook business verification is an important and most necessary in scaling your whatsapp business api and gaining the trust of your customer. We will assist you in getting your facebook business verified provided that you have all the correct document. Our team will verify with you guide you through the entire process.

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